So, I'm not a big blogger. At least not yet. And I'm not all that concerned about sentence structure, grammar or punctuation. Sorry.
Not clear why I'm blogging now other than to explain to the very small audience that might check this site once in awhile why I haven't posted new photos until today. Turns out, stuff gets in the way. And, while I think my priorities were straight, I wish I'd had more time to shoot.
Sold the house our kids grew up in, bought a new down-sized place, did some remodeling, moved my mother-in-law to assisted living (unplanned and the week before our move), dealt with a sad death in the family, attended our daughter's grad school graduation, etc. All over a three month period. Important stuff. But stuff.
For others, there might have been photo ops in there but I want to be outdoors, away from people. So, not so much.
Turns out skills and memory fade too. This isn't all second nature to me yet. Have to relearn stuff. That's probably true for anybody with a semi-dormant hobby.
And now life rebalances. Priorities change. I'm trying to get out. Hope you looked at and liked some of the new pics. My hobby is a giant work in progress. Reps help.